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Full Version: Need a C++ teacher [Will pay]
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Hello everyone I have realized something about myself.

I cannot learn through tutorials I can only learn with hands on experience I am looking for a teacher to teach me C++ I am prepared to pay you with the amount of money you wish as long as it is not completely ridiculous.

Please PM me with details this is what I am looking for.

You must be experienced with C++ if you are not I will not pay you.
First I would like a small demonstration of your work just to prove you really do know what you are doing.

Second off I want to learn FULLY how to code in C++ and I want to COMPLETELY understand it.

PM me if you would like to help I will be paying via prepaid credit card.

I posted the same thing on HF but I figured here would be better O.O

Also interested in HTML
(01-22-2010, 06:55 PM)SkeŁchy Wrote: [ -> ]Second off I want to learn FULLY how to code in C++ and I want to COMPLETELY understand it.

And I also assume you have 3+ years to dedicate to this task?
Hope this helps. This is an old post on my forum. This is NOT WAREZ!! Is something i own and have packed up so its not stolen or anything.

This is a great video for learning C.
I used it and it rocks. It starts from the absolute basics and gets very advanced.
No prior experience needed at all.
Here is the opening screen.

[Image: 12183525504830_Capture.jpg]

Now a short vid to show how it works.


Hey pal, im not a c++ master or something like that, but according to what ive read,(about 12 hours of nonstop reading about c++ programmers experience and advise) if you really want programming, you should learn it by yourself, because you cannot learn all your life by paying to some tutors, im not offending you, im also learning c++ by now, and i think what makes the difference between programmers are the will to learn, and its a completely different story when you learn things by figuring things up by yourself and relying on reading, than being tell by the tutors,...

No matter what you think, you are your best teacher.