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Hello all, Grizzly here.

Got the PM from Omni on mybbcentral about the launch. Well good there mr. Omni Big Grin

Names GR1ZZLY on HF...apparently someone that never posts is also name Grizzly.

I'm from Texas, I used to ride rodeo. I live in Germany right now. I'm in the Army. And...well, thats about all that I really feel like saying atm.

Oh, and I will be getting knee surgery soon to replace my ACL, which is completely torn apart and flopping around doing it's own thing, as well as a new meniscus and something else. Hello 30 days of lying in bed with a computer, no kids, and no responsibilities.
Welcome grizzly,hope your knee gets better.
Welcome, Sucks about your knee. Hope you get well soon Smile
Welcome to Support Forums. As what the others have said, I hope the same thing for you. Big Grin
Just say Hi Guys, not HAI GAUIZASDASD
Welcome to SF.
Welcome to freedom. Also I and a moderator named Knight are from Texas.
(10-07-2009, 04:42 PM)GizSho Wrote: [ -> ]Just say Hi Guys, not HAI GAUIZASDASD

No thanks, I'll say whatever I want.
Welcome to SupportForums Grizzly. Where life is like a rodeo even if you have a knee injury. Big Grin

Welcome to SupportForums. Read the rules before posting, and enjoy your time!
Pages: 1 2