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I think its country based contracts.
But wow you get people to sign contracts. Sad
I have a couple of admins and mods. I know where they live. But some of them i dont even know what they look like.
You need to chill a bit i feel. A simple site or forum is simply that.
If its a big forum or site then perhaps. But i only know of 1 person to have a truly successful site/forum here apart from Onmi?
Contracts are only good if they conform to the applicable laws in the area you want to enforce the contract in. I would enforce it in the US (under Texas state law) so I would file there. It does me no good to file in Texas against a person that lives in the UK. They just don't show up and I win, but, what do I really win when they can't enforce the courts ruling.

I used to run a successful forum. I sold it for low about 4 years ago (when I was 19). However, due to the sales agreement I can't talk specifics Sad
I see, but I mean it is useful to have an staff member outside of your time-zone.
And I would like to know, what type of contract you would let such person sign...

There must be a way to punish them even if they are not in your area...
No, there's no way to punish them unless you have $$$$$$...I can't be bothered to fly to another country to file suit lol.

Regular mod's, there really is no point. An admin, yes there is a huge point in having a contract. Staff outside my timezone area always only mods.

@OP, you get this figured out?
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