Before I begin with my ranting, I want to start by saying that I am happy with the system as is. But the problem is, like on HF and other forums, people complain about rep abuse by making threads asking members to specify whether or not they had -reped them or such. And to be honest; I think SF has more quality then that, at least I'd hoped it to be. Also, anonymous reputation is to prevent retaliatory behaviour towards other members. I know there are better systems/ideas/theories that have either worked/can work or whatever, but SF's system is SF's system. Stop complaining about reputation abuse and report it to the Moderators; that's what their job is, I'm sure they don't have too much more to do with there moding hours since there as much traffic coming after the holidays.
A Concerned Member.
Yep good call Аноним Интерфейс.
I was being half serious and half having fun as i have been today but no one noticed

I do agree with you.
It is how it is and its successful. So the old theory "If its not broken then dont fix it" applies.
Fact is just quietly. It actually is broken.

For SF purposes it really isn't broken, it just needs a little oil.
I'm statisfied with current Rep system... (Not bringing a topic fro the other thread just killing 2 flies with one strike)
I would prefer the post thanking thing, but current rep system is just fine, as said it just needs a bit oil.
Although I like seeing A +REPS ;), but a negative rap shouldn't be placed annonomys,imo...
But I also wouldn't mind the abillity to give more than one rep per person!
I think rep itself is kinda useless, unless your selling things. :/
I am happy with it but I see that some members are worrying way to much about it. Like they are asking me to give them a rep etc.
Also I think we should drop anonymous reputation. To many people are abusing it and if we if we disable anonymous reputation it will make it more hardcore

Hey can you give me a rep Zomaian?
- or + will be fine.
(01-09-2010, 11:47 PM)Aristotle Wrote: [ -> ]I think rep itself is kinda useless, unless your selling things. :/
Some of us do sell things here ;)
(01-09-2010, 11:55 PM)Zomaian Wrote: [ -> ]I am happy with it but I see that some members are worrying way to much about it. Like they are asking me to give them a rep etc.
Also I think we should drop anonymous reputation. To many people are abusing it and if we if we disable anonymous reputation it will make it more hardcore
I think it should be forced anonymous both + and - honestly ;)
Although I rarely use anonmyous (and not on purpose) for either lol. The main reason it's here is because there are immature kids that will just -rep for revenge.
Anonymous rep only would be much better, I would like the person that I rep +/- to know that it was me.....
But in the end if they are anonymous, we'll stop reveng repping.
Also if you look at the rep and see from who it was, you can also see that persons reputation, which will help you getting a picture of other members....
And still idc, I wish it was post thanking then user repping, but well you don't get everything in life!
I just don't understand why there's two threads for rep