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Full Version: DIRTY THREAD!!!!!!
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Give the fact its so dead lately i though we would start a dirty thread. Yeye

What ya think guys?

Here is my first pic. Now i dont normally post animal stuff but i feel we all need a good laugh.
Now as OP i would like to keep all images in spoilers as it may offend.

Do you realllllllllllllly love that someone?
hahah I love the image ^.
(01-09-2010, 08:00 PM)Aristotle Wrote: [ -> ]
Do you realllllllllllllly love that someone?

rofl that's hilarious
Its what i show to every grade nine that says they love their girlfriend of 12 hours.
It was a pretend thread designed to stimulate the members that were online with me while nothing was going on.
Sorry it got lost on everyone Sad Perhaps close this before it actually gets dirty?
Hows that even close to really being dirty!?
It is pretty dirty I mean eating poo?
My post was a dog dirty!!
Not sexual or filthy in any way.
It was ment to be a quick joke then killed. Fact this thread is still alive is testimony to all staff here ;)
My post is about love. If you love someone, you should be able to do anything for them.
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