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(01-08-2010, 01:00 PM)+++ Wrote: [ -> ]Take a look here for creating Image Links...

Why did u chage ur name? think im gonna chage mine to WirelessWave , should i?
(01-08-2010, 01:37 PM)+++ Wrote: [ -> ]I don't like copy-cats.....

I got your back ;)
(01-08-2010, 01:50 PM)Grizzly Wrote: [ -> ]I got your back ;)

LOL I was thinking about the same... But I'm to lazy to give -reps .....
thx for the support ;)
(01-08-2010, 02:02 PM)+++ Wrote: [ -> ]LOL I was thinking about the same... But I'm to lazy to give -reps .....
thx for the support ;)

Whos -rep?
We're getting WAY off topic...

Do you need anything other to solve?
I need alot of help look at this fail:

im trying to use iframes, my freggn buttons are highlighted in blue for some reason, there ugly i hate my life ffs, the website is crap.. i want my site to look cool. it sucks ass. HELP!
The border around the images is standard when you put them into an A tag, you can remove it by addong border="0" to image tag or using css

<img src="" border="0" <!-- OR --> style="border:0px;" />

As for the look, just keep it...
As soons as you get used to coding them it will simply flow!
how can i take the box off?
Nvm lol 2esht
Pages: 1 2 3 4