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Believe me, I know. I purchased the CS4 Master Collection or whatever it's called. I thing Dreamweaver is great especially when you're being lazy lol. But, the fact of the matter is, if you're not willing to pay for it don't get it. If you are trying to get a free copy we can't help here as we're not a warez site.
Lmao , pay $400 of get it free off 100`s of sites (Portable Versions) best version in my view. ive got all adobe`s products for free , all portable , totally mint collection. Smile

Portable Versions are full versions , only difference is they dont need to be installed on ur pc, simply run them from an external HD or plonk it on ur desktop , amazing stuff Smile
For real, I'm with Grizzly on this one even if I never would pay even 1 cent for Dreamwaver...

IMO, use Notpad++ and learn HTML, the "shortcuts" in Dreamwaver doesn't really faster your work flow.
I need the same time to code something while you spend your time clicking on in dreamwaver, and using Notepadd++ than maybe even faster.
And if you master the HTML, you can also just code it your self no matter which editor you are using.....
heh Dreamweiver? I don't use DreamWeaver but Notepad++.
I got Dreamweiver CS3 Pro PAckage version from school, i'm coding gr.11 stuff, im only in grade 9 Smile
(01-07-2010, 01:35 PM)zGod Wrote: [ -> ]I got Dreamweiver CS3 Pro PAckage version from school, i'm coding gr.11 stuff, im only in grade 9 Smile

I'm just telling that if you are good with HTML/CSS and those things, you don't need the functions of Dreamwaver....
So you'll be better of if you code it by Hand if you ask me!
Well maybe, but i want to do something like this..

Menu on the left side right looks like this:
Bio l
News l
Pics l
Info l And say if you highlighted the "Bio" A biography would come up to the left. So you would always be able to stay on the home page, its like a page withen pages, can this be done with an iframe?
I would do it like this;

        <iframe src="index.php" name="mainFrame" style="width:85%;height:100%;float:right;" ></iframe>
        <div id="navigation">
            <a href="bio.php" target="mainFrame">Bio</a><br />
            <a href="news.php" target="mainFrame">News</a><br />
            <a href="pics.php" target="mainFrame">Pics</a><br />
            <a href="iinfo.htm" target="mainFrame">Info</a><br />

Note that the target in the anchor tag is same as the name of the IFRAME name!!
Oh wow thank you so much, can you offer me xtra help?

Add me on msn:

You deserve a rep, which you will get Smile
(01-06-2010, 03:47 PM)WMM Wrote: [ -> ]I am confused you want the newest version of dreamweaver? ( if so warez is not allowed ) can you explain a bit more....
Umm.. what is warez and why is it prohibited?
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