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I'm having some problems with my voice chat in Halo 2 (my sister got it for me for Christmas, so dont laugh Tongue) It started out when everyone talked, it sounded like garbled gibberish. I thought there might be a problem with my drivers. So, I reinstalled them, but now there I hear nothing. I dont think its a driver problem because everything else works fine, including teamspeak and ventrilo. I just installed Windows 7, and I'm using my onboard audio.
So ventrilo and teamspeak both worth right?

Alrite try checking the settings, see if there is a hotkey to talk.

Also try googleing the issue, if nothing comes up, maybe it's just something that you did wrong.
But if not , it may be a common issue.

Anyways try checking the settings for Halo 2 and your Computer settings see if you disabled anything.
There is a hotkey, but it acts like I have no mic plugged in. And I cant hear anyone else speaking when their voice chat icon lights up
(01-20-2010, 05:14 PM)Austneal Wrote: [ -> ]There is a hotkey, but it acts like I have no mic plugged in. And I cant hear anyone else speaking when their voice chat icon lights up

Check W7 voice config and speakers ;) might be the way.
Dumb question, but are you sure its not lagging?
Could explain why its "Garbled"
Also check your in-game sound options and make sure your options work. I once turned my volume way down so I couldn't hear all the shooting going on in a game, and I ended up forgetting and spending hours trying to fix it .. Then someone suggested that to me.
I found the problem. I had to set everything up in game AND windows live