www.mixymedia.org You can find who made it in the footer...
IMO I think it fits well and it also matches the style of the site, so what I was looking for?
What are your opinions about it?
That turned out really nice. How much did he gank from you?
I actually like it; It's a very nice theme. I was going to ask who made it for you, but then I noticed the "Designed By Zomaian" text at the bottom.
Yeah, I'm glad it turned out so good. I hate when people get a custom theme and it looks like crap (especially if they paid someone for the crap). But this one turned out really really nice. Hopefully it helps draw some people to OP's site. I'd join but I really don't have the time to become a member of another forum lol.
Yea thanks, well its a long story how much he charged me for it here it goes.
Well at first he was going to charge me 40$ but I referred someone so he dropped it 20% which made it about 30$ or close to it. Then he slacked off so it only cost 20$. So I got a good deal I believe.
20$ is a very good deal in my opinion.
Yea I thought so too
Yes, it is truly a work of shear profession. Good Job to whoever made this.