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Yep my son now 17 come to visit his dad today after 7 years of not seeing him.
Last time i saw him he was 10.
It hurt me big time when situations occurred forcing this separation and i really never got over it as a man.
Well today i had a stranger come to my door and introduce himself as my son Smile
Im so damn proud. He just finished school and is leaving to join the army in about 1 week.

I bet that's a great feeling Damink, i'm glad you had the opportunity to see him again.
Made my year. Seriously.
Making me want to be a better man now.
Wow! That is amazing! You have every right in the world to feel proud. Oui
(01-01-2010, 07:05 PM)DAMINK™ Wrote: [ -> ]Made my year. Seriously.
Making me want to be a better man now.
Sounds like it made the last 7 from the looks of it.
Yep Smile There was always a small portion of me that always thought about him. I still had pictures on the wall at home of him at 10.
Almost makes me a little teary. Just so damn proud he has grown to be a decent young man.
No Smokes, No Alcohol and No drugs. Bloody proud.
Wow, Damink, I thought you were a heartless bastard.
Guess I was wrong, congratulations on seeing him and congrats on him serving his country.
(01-01-2010, 07:09 PM)iPaNiK Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, Damink, I thought you were a heartless bastard.
Guess I was wrong, congratulations on seeing him and congrats on him serving his country.

Just the internet persona is all. Smile

Yes i am very proud he wants to serve for his country.
A little scared but thats normal.
This is great news. Often these split up families can reconcile once the children have become adults.
That's really great Damink, I'm happy for you.
Feeling good is always a great thing Smile
Now that's are great start for the New Year! I wish you and your son good luck and the best Smile.
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