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Full Version: My SON come to visit me after 7 years!!
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That's great man. Really good news, go have a party.
Congratulations. Now you can recuperate the time you were not together.
(01-01-2010, 07:18 PM)Omniscient Wrote: [ -> ]This is great news. Often these split up families can reconcile once the children have become adults.


I am really happy for you man.
Its nice to hear some good news in this section.CongratzThumbsup
COngratulation i feel happy for you. Don't lost this chance to build something with him this time.
I'm happy for you bro
I'm really happy for you. I can only imagine your struggles in the separation, and I hope that in the future, things stay calm and easy going for you. Congratulations on seeing your son again.
Good for you man! You should be really grateful to him for doing this.
I'm very happy for you. I wish the best for you, and your son.
Wow nice! You guys should go out and catchup though.
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