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Full Version: Do you have any New Year's Resolutions?
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As the thread title says, do you have any New Year's Resolutions?

Please keep all posts at a mature level.
I'm going to do my best to go the whole year not drinking alcohol.
To own many successful websites. ..and go on a diet. >__<


Still need to figure them out!
I don't know, maybe try to find a job and begin learning VB.Net Smile
When your main goal is to learn VB.Net you know your gonna have a bad year.

Haha just playing Smile
LOL its just that i dont know what are my resolutions so i say something just to havé something to say and get replied by someone who is called lil poptart kid ;)
My resolution is to do better in school, preferably a 90+ average.
Same as NaK, do better in school, and i like aswell to learn vb better Smile
To stop being lazy and begin learning 3D modeling. (and finish that 4 part tutorial I was working on)
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