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Full Version: Simpsons lol Smells like fecies.
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Another spam vid.

..You're either high or incredibly drunk to find that funny at all.
Well tonight i can confess i am drunk. But every night or day i am bent. I live by the bong Smile
But still i find this really funny lol.
And yes i am immature at the age of 36 and 4 kids. I really am lol.
The Simpsons can be really funny at times; but through dry humor. Originally it was made for adults anyway. Now it's leveled down due to the vast number of kids watching.
Not if you read between the lines.
This is what makes them cool i feel. They offer simple animation for kids but adult humor for adults.
Andways i gotta go. Its taking me like 3 min to type a [ost I am a bit drunk now Smile
Zee ya tomorrow SF happy nrew year !!!!!!!!!!!