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George Bush heard there were rumors on the internets. He says so himself, see:
The internets is FULL of them. I know how he feels.
Those damn internets.
And he was a president. I liked him though, just because he focused on arms.
(12-23-2009, 05:29 PM)Extasey Wrote: [ -> ]Omg
And he was a president. I liked him though, just because he focused on arms.

I prefer presidents who focus on legs.
(12-23-2009, 05:38 PM)Grizzly Wrote: [ -> ]I prefer presidents who focus on legs.

Me? Ehhh.... Feet.
I prefer one that focuses on books, not legs or feet. Arms are hot too /jks
Haha Bush is full of win LOL
I'm a foot man myself... Whistle
Do you guys forget about him talking about how he uses "The google maps"? the website emerged from that :p
Pages: 1 2