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He was full of win, but, the thing is, he was my governor as well. He was great for the state of Texas too. Perry is a moron (our current governor) but we have an election coming up soon. One of our Senators (a former governor) is going to run for governor and resign her Senate seat. She actually represented us in the Senate, unlike most Senators that do what they want, she was back in Texas walking through the streets asking Joes what they wanted her to vote like. She was a great governor, is a great Senator, and hopefully will be a great Governor again. Know it's kind of off topic, but hey, Texas is eventually going to leave the Union anyway ;)
I think Kinky should get it.
Kay Bailey Hutchison FTW.
No Kinky! He's my kind of guy, plus I got to meet him and he actually is probably the coolest guys to drink with.
But I do agree Rick Perry has corruption stamped on his forehead. I just can't get it out of my mind and I don't know why I think that. I just look at him and think to myself, "Yeah, that seems like the type of guy who might be bending me over and poking me in the ass and I'm not even aware."
Think about the toll roads man. Perry == Fail.

But, you and I both know KBH will beat Kinky ;)

I met KBH on the street, walking on the Riverwalk in San Anton, she asked be what my view was on something, that's why I said what I said about her earlier lol. She's great. Unfortunately....we have had Rick Perry for far too long.
Oh of course she will win Kinky looks to extravagant. But I can dream.
And he likes to run his mouth lol.
That he does and we need that, the country does. Everyone has their ass so tight they hadn't shat in years.
(12-23-2009, 05:15 PM)Aristotle Wrote: [ -> ]Those damn internets.

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