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Well, I am completely new at web development, but lets say I want to host a website on my home computer. I figure I need;
1. Apache
2. Php
3. Mysql

Once I get all of these, I need a domain name right? Well in my case I am looking to not spend any money, so what I was hoping to do, was get a free domain name somewhere, then rename it at

So what would I do, because in Apache there is all this stuff about redirecting to your IP and confusing stuff like that. Also, when putting in the site name with Apache, could I put in the site name, or the free domain site name.

Another also, I have seen many free domain name places, but they all have free hosting automatically included, so if anyone knows of anywhere just to get a domain, please tell me.

One more thing, hehe, what ports would I need open to host my server?
Download and install.
Go to no-ip and sign up for a free account and you get free domains.
Download there client and run it on your system.
Open router and open port 80 to point at the local address ( for example.
Then restart and your done. Smile

Oh yea you might want to make a webpage etc after that lol.
Make sure your ISP allows you to run a server. Most don't.
noip can work around that. It will redirect to different ports. Not just port 80. Smile
Thing is, you get caught your ISP will kick you off quick.