I want to get some good looking, original smilies for my forum. I'd like a very large set, of them that all go together (same look to them). Where's a good place to get theme?
Also, what program is used to make animated smilies? How hard is it?
Ah, I don't know why I didn't think of that. Thanks.
Thanks for that MotU, I was actually looking for some aswel.
(12-20-2009, 09:42 AM)Kuzmanov Wrote: [ -> ]http://www.phpbbhacks.com/smilies.php
There you have some smile packages.
Lol the one's I'm using now are actually from them. I don't know why I didn't think to check their site for more.
NP, da is full of them but you really need to spend some time to find those that you like....
I was also looking for smiley packs few months ago and DA was helpful...
Wow this is just nice. Thanks
I would try
MyBBSource or the MyBBoard Forums, There is always tonnes on there.