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need visual basic codes that calculate the elapsed time
Shouldn't be too hard.
What are you making and how much experience do you have?
I CBF to write them, i'll have a look around though.
Is this what you mean?
You mean from when you started the application to when you finished it?

If that's what you're talking about, then just make a new timer with an interval of 1000, and enable it.

Create a new module and add:
Public lapsedTime As Int = 0

Double click on the timer and add this:
lapsedTime = lapsedTime + 1

Every second, lapsedTime will get added by 1 from the time the application was ran. You can format that however you like.
I'ts very easy, although I only found out about it a few days ago
dim a as new stopwatch()
'do whatever you want
msgbox(a.elapsedmillisecons) 'milliseconds passed since start

a.stop()'to pause it any time
a=new stopwatch() 'to reset it