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Well, early this morning the doctors took my wife's appendix out. German doctors crack me up. They told her they were going to go in just to simply have a look around, and if needed they would take it out, but, they weren't sure yet if it needed to be taken out, so they wanted to cut her open and have a look see.
Took myn out when I was 11. They wouldn't give me any pain medicine because I wasn't 12/13 because younger kids get addicted to the pain killers. When I first came out it was pretty horrible. But after offering me finigrin and I kept saying no because (because of the pain I was in, I couldn't think or hear right) I though they were asking if I wanted any vinegar..Lol!; Eventually, I took the finigrin and I was out in a few seconds. Then I was sore for a couple weeks.
Still got the scar really visably. Can see where all the staples were in too!
Thats one thing I hope I don't have to get removed. I hate having sore organs and stuff, fine with broken bones... just not organs:S
thing is, I can't play Cod MW2 now, her PC can't run it, and my laptop is with her in the hospital. German hospitals suck when you can't watch TV becuase you don't understand the language lol. She wanted it to watch movies. Dr. said she may be able to come home tomorrow. Here's hoping. I need MW2. Hopefully this crappy desktop can at least run L4D 2, installing it now.
Why are you in Germany? New post there?
Germany has always had a post there after WWII. The whole East and West Berlin thing.
I've been stationed here since Jan 08.
(12-20-2009, 03:29 PM)Grizzly Wrote: [ -> ]I've been stationed here since Jan 08.

Oh, that makes sense. How is your wife doing?
I wouldn't want my appendix out. It's actually an important part of your immune system.
(12-20-2009, 10:45 PM)Uhriventis Wrote: [ -> ]I wouldn't want my appendix out. It's actually an important part of your immune system.

Actually it's not. It has absolutely no function in the human body.
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