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They are not shpwing for my forum

Who is hosting them? The local host?
I'm seeing images just fine. If you're talking about your logo (I don't see one) than you probably have the path to the logo wrong. Double check it in the template in Admin CP
You see them fine?
[Image: Untitled_5.jpg] this is how I see them.
My images are just broken, maybe your host has some restrictions on locations or something?
Yeah you're fine. It just takes a while for you to see it. I can see it just fine too. Try clearing your cache or restarting your browser.
I've had that problem too.
Yet the url is
That could be somewhat of a problem. Although i see the images fine. They point to the .cc address.
And i have seen images not loading on .cc addresses before. I assume its a free domain?
This is why you should just pay for a domain and hosting. are really cheap. They also give you. pretty much, everything unlimited.
I see the problem DAMNIK is da man. Actually, I knew it could have been a problem, I just didn't bother. I think, Its cause :-
I set up my forum with but it isn't set up still[takes upto 48 hrs]

Thanks all.
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