I just wanted to tell everyone i like being drunk.

See i can still type.
And im farkin wasted

Good for you! last time I was drunk, well IDK, can't remember! I was dead!
What did you drink?
Only A few (3) Jim Beams and several Carlton Draught long necks (4)

Started work at 5.30am and it was 39 degrees here today. So stinkin hot and drinkie poos needed

LOL man, would you say you have a Drinking problem? Just a thought.....
I would die if I would do that...
ps: Sorry I looked at your profile :p nice bio
(12-16-2009, 12:22 PM)Master of The Universe Wrote: [ -> ]LOL man, would you say you have a Drinking problem? Just a thought.....
I would die if I would do that...
ps: Sorry I looked at your profile :p nice bio
Yes i do have a drinking problem. I cant seem to keep my damn fridge full enough. Its a real problem.
As for my profile

(12-16-2009, 12:26 PM)DAMINK™ Wrote: [ -> ]Yes i do have a drinking problem. I cant seem to keep my damn fridge full enough. Its a real problem.
As for my profile 
That's a problem I must admit, I have too!

Did you make this topic just to get the drunk award? lol
Damn there is a drunk award?
Well thats a no brainer lol. Just ask Omni. He knows i am a raging drunk.
:\ There isn't any Drunk award afterall just checked,I thought there was.....
Anyhow you deserve it

(12-16-2009, 03:21 PM)Xenocide Wrote: [ -> ]:\ There isn't any Drunk award afterall just checked,I thought there was.....
Anyhow you deserve it 
There's a Drunk award over at HF but there isn't one here.
It's not appropriate to have such an award at a support forum.