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Hey guys,
I am really trying to avoid going with a major web host that throws money into advertising with false review sites and such.
But I literally cannot find any legit site that shows trustworthy reviews.
I'm looking for a web hosting service for a friend. Requirements: 40 gigs of space, GOOD uptime, easy to use control panel, great support.
What can you say about or web hosting solutions? Can I trust them or will you recommend me any alternative for comparison?

My website is wordpress blog and these guys have all the useful features and tools for running my site successfully. Highly recommend Bitcoin VPS solutions in NL.
Give my vote for hosting. Good communication and customer service are key to great web-host, and it has these qualities in spades.
I would recommend OpenVZ VPS to anyone looking for reliable host. Free Instant Setup. Prices are reasonable and honestly you get what you pay for!