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Smile Yep i am on board with this as well.
I will make sure to keep my posts lawful in the future Smile
Scary fact having a cop on the boards really.
I think its a great idea in theory but in practice its a bad idea. Amateur lawyers only cause problems, if you have legal issues then contact a lawyer, last thing we need is someone her in jail due to poor legal advice or someone suing someone here for the advice they gave lol.
Lol that is always an option, but, obviously there should be some sort of a sticky post disclaimer. Like I said, I'm not a lawyer, just a cop. However, there are a VAST majority of people, several on this board, that have a lot of legal knowledge. Plus, it'll give me an excuse to write a tut on copyright law.
Nice idea as long as no one takes anything to heart... after all this is the internet. xD
I myself am pretty good with the my mother ended up going to school to be a lawyer; I read all that junk she had too.. along with myself always getting out of trouble I can give some good tips and such.
This is a maybe.
I support this suggestion. I won't be able to provide any legal support myself but i'd love to see what the other members of the community can provide.
I support the suggestion!
Lol, he's not a straight up cop. He's on HF as well. He's cool Smile
(12-14-2009, 11:44 PM)Grizzly Wrote: [ -> ]Lol because I'm a criminal investigator, am well versed in US and Texas law, as well as copyright, patent, and trademark law ;)

And about the different countries having different laws, of course that will be an issue, but, I'm sure, especially as we go on, that there will be more and more members from other countries that are well versed in their local laws.

Things like copyright law don't change from country to country, at least the ones that are signatories of the berne convention. And your specific example isn't a good example, as there is no set number over the speed limit that a cop will pull you over. A cop will pull you over if they feel like it and you have broken the law. It's officer discretion. Me personally, I never (when working patrol) pulled anyone over for going less than 10mph over the limit unless in a school/residential area, at which point you had 3 mph leeway. I also didn't write unless it was 20 over, unless school/residential area, at which time it was a ticket if I pulled you over ;)

And so long as people wait at least 24 hours I'm sure someone could get into the thread to refute whatever dumb thing was said lol.

Haha yeah, I know it was a bad example. I was having a brain lapse when I was trying to type.
I have another one... apparently it is legal to have a certain amount of weed on you in the ACT (state) but anywhere else in the country. I have no idea if this is true or not.
But yeah, I'm behind the idea.
Great idea, I'm totally for this. Don't have any legal issues myself but I am very interested in law in general.
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