I would like to know some best hosting providers who are not offering a huge amount of space but a specific quota of disk space with the best up-time and security.
Any info on
Any reviews, discount codes? What host is better?
Services from hostingsource.com are worth trying.
They are the best website platforms you will ever be able to use for your own site. Worth every penny of it, and they value your time and effort that you put into your website.
KVChosting.net and QHoster.com plans are worth trying due to their top-notch services.
Best prices, quality and staff. I haven't seen something better. Their uptime is insane and never had problems with them.
Try hostnamaste.com
OpenVZ VPS. The price is competitive, so you don't need to pay much for such stable hosting service.
If you ask me, I am happy running my websites at kvchosting.net servers. Uptime is (nearly) 100%.
You know, I've encountered a few small hick-ups in the last 9 months but in fact I haven't encountered any problems during the last 5 months.
Highly recommend Hostnamaste
OpenVZ VPS - Everything is fast all the time. In fact my page load time is over 60% faster than with my previous host.