My friend is adamant that having 200 programs installed is not slowing down is 2003 windows xp computer in the least. I know that is bull so I need you guys to show him the error of his ways.(Basically agree with me unless i'm wrong)
Well he is wrong, 200 programs not many people have need for that many. To support that many things you need a super expensive computer. It kind of depends what the software's are though. If they run out side of them opening then yes, usually that is not the case if they don't have process's outside the app then maybe it wont effect it to much.
Or if he doesnt have multiple programs open with process' or that start with windowz.
Just as long as they are not running or have a process running, then it shouldn't slow it down in the least. Hit "ctrl+alt+delete" And click processes to see how many are running.
I dunno if it was the fact he has 2003 or the 200 Programs, haha. Well, if they aren't being used at all the exactly the same time, then I mean, it shouldn't really affect him but then again that's kinda based on his Memory. You can either ctrl alt del or Ctrl Shift Esc to check the Task manager. Make sure to Defrag, Run some Spyware Checks, and last but not least: Get rid of any of those programs you don't use at least once a week.
Best Regards,
I have plenty of programs installed on XP and no slowdown from them. It's a matter of fine tuning your startup and the running of each program. Having them installed isn't the issue.
Yea thats what I thought only when there are process's.
Ok well i convinced him that having all those programs was completely unnecessary and rather than uninstall the ones he doesn't need he did a fresh install of XP. Now there are two more problems however. There is no sound anywhere. (No sound from youtube was original problem but upon investigation found that had nothing to do with it) It is not his speakers or headphones causing the problem because we can still get the usual static.
The second problem is that games won't load. (Online games) the preloader goes through fine as with the advertisements but as soon as the game starts all that is bisplayed is a black box where the game should be. GPU-Z did not detect the video card but i happen to know that it is a radeon x200...i tried installing driver for that and it said inf error...then popped another error: try installing a normal VGA display driver or some such...i'm at a loss for what to do next.
(12-09-2009, 08:44 PM)Omniscient Wrote: [ -> ]I have plenty of programs installed on XP and no slowdown from them. It's a matter of fine tuning your startup and the running of each program. Having them installed isn't the issue.
Yes. The slowdown is cause, I presume, by actually running the programs.