I was curious, is it possible to get a song off
this link. I really like the song, but there isn't a way to get it.
If this is against the site rules, sorry, I'll understand if I get a warning + the thread gets removed.
Just curious.
I don't think that you can download it with any software, but you could manually record it.....
Other then that, why just don't search the name on YT.
(12-09-2009, 06:53 AM)Xenocide Wrote: [ -> ]Here you go http://kickyoutube.com/watch/?v=gNjiqygkBDw
click the mp3 format and click go,one it's finished right click and choose "Save link as" Enjoy
Yeah, but he wanted to know if you can somehow download it from the site he posted!
What's the meaning downloading the song from there? He didn't state how can he download songs from that particular site but he did state that he loves that song and wants it.
(12-09-2009, 07:02 AM)Xenocide Wrote: [ -> ]What's the meaning downloading the song from there? He didn't state how can he download songs from that particular site but he did state that he loves that song and wants it.
But the thing is, I have the original song. That link I posted there is the new recorded version of it.
I know a way but I am not going to post it because you are breaking the law. There is a website for grabbing from those kinds of flash players.