I am selling tm0.im. Bidding starts at 5 dollars. BIN is 15 dollars.
No un related posts. All the info you need in below.
Expire date
Name.com registar
Free push to your account
That is all.
Thank you.
Would be an awesome URL shortner.
oh, right - why not just keep it and use it for a URL shortner yourself?
(12-15-2009, 10:58 PM)Cohen Wrote: [ -> ]oh, right - why not just keep it and use it for a URL shortner yourself?
lol. Thats sort of funny.
His url is pretty damn short now.
Fact is .im domains are not popular and a waste imho. Perhaps in time they will be worth more.
I plan to be hosting my own server, and i can't afford that much bandwidth. It was my intent to have a blog/urlshortner. And Damink, there are some good .im sites. Imo.im for one. This site could be good, so i figured let it sell while it can.