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Full Version: Little Game (More or Less) in C
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There you go, it's a little game called more or less..

Tell me what you think Smile

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

int main()
int MAX = 100, MIN = 1;
int nombreMystere;
int nombreDuJoueur=0;
int compteur=0;
int partie=1;
int joueur;
int choixNiveau=1;


while (partie)//Tant que partie est égale à 1
    printf("\n\n*** MORE OR LESS GAME ***\n\n");
    printf("You want to play 1 or 2 players? : ");
                    if (joueur==1)
                        printf("\n\nEnter a difficulty level:\n");
                        printf("1. Between 0 et 100\n");
                        printf("2. Between 1 et 1 000\n");
                        printf("3. Between 1 et 10 000\n");
                        printf("Your choice : ");

                            switch (choixNiveau)
                            case 1:
                            case 2:
                            case 3:
                            printf("\n\nYour choice is not permitted so it will be Level 1\n\n");

    nombreMystere = (rand() % (MAX - MIN + 1)) + MIN;
    while(nombreMystere != nombreDuJoueur)
        printf("What is the number ? ");

        if (nombreDuJoueur<nombreMystere)
                printf("\nIt's more !\n");
        else if (nombreDuJoueur > nombreMystere)
                printf("\nIt's less !\n");
                printf("\n\nCongratulations, you have found the mystery number in %d its !!!\n\n",compteur);
                printf("Another game ? (1 for yes/ 0 for no)");

                        else if (joueur==2)
    printf("\n\nPlayer 1, enter the number that player 2 will have to find : ");
    while(nombreMystere != nombreDuJoueur)

        printf("Player 2 : Which number player 1 has to guess ? ");

        if (nombreDuJoueur<nombreMystere)
                printf("\n It's more !\n");
        else if (nombreDuJoueur > nombreMystere)
                printf("\It's less!\n");
                printf("\n\nCongratulations player 2, you have found the mystery number in %d hits !!!\n\n",compteur);
                printf("Another game? ? (1 for yes / 0 for no)");


printf("We asked 1 or 2 players nothing else! ");

    return 0;
I like it !
But when u win it says you won in 15 its not hits lol
What do you mean?