I used to own yourflashdrive, as a file sharing website, but gave it away as I disregarded my time of wasting it handling illegal uploads and such..
hmm what else!
I like my personal domain which im coding for a portfolio at the moment!
Oats-Coding.com :')
I know you guys wouldnt seem it that good but i love it<3
Hey guys, is this domain any good?: MCXBLA.com
Its what most people call Minecraft Xbox Live Arcade, in short. Proof:
Any ideas how much i would be able to get for it? Best place to sell?
Also this domain: MinecraftPE.Net
Minecrafts official website is Minecraft.net and the pocket edition of minecraft is called MinecraftPE which would make people think MinecraftPE.net is the official site.
Estimated price on this one too?
ElectricHost.NET , sold it for $5. FML
My best domain is gadgetbytes because it's the only domain I have in my possession right now.
My best domain is CBTC.made in india it is useful for our country