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Full Version: Why there isn't a "thanks" button ?
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(11-29-2009, 03:33 PM)Aristotle Wrote: [ -> ]Most stat plugins do that.
*Thanks not stats

Okay good, the only one i have used / seen used was the one at HF and it just displays a pop-up that says "Thanks is always appreciated".
Yeah, I noticed that too.
Look at the source of the page, all the Thanks button does on HF is pull some Javascript-fu.
(11-29-2009, 03:14 PM)Rob Wrote: [ -> ]It would be interesting if it kept track of how many "thanks" a member has received and displayed it in their profile. I guess that's pretty much what rep does though.
Wouldn't that turn into just a more wide-based version of the rep system? I think I would like it more though...
(12-03-2009, 09:35 AM)dafatman Wrote: [ -> ]Wouldn't that turn into just a more wide-based version of the rep system? I think I would like it more though...

Not so. Rep is if somones an ass or not. Thanks is a helpful user. It could be used with the awards each month.
Who uses the "thanks button" in HF? if you ask me it's useless for here too.
I think the thanks button is a better way of showing appreciation. The rep system gets abused.
(12-04-2009, 02:23 AM)Xenocide Wrote: [ -> ]Who uses the "thanks button" in HF? if you ask me it's useless for here too.
There's one in HF? Huh I guess I'm not very observant when I go there.
(12-04-2009, 02:52 AM)Combo Wrote: [ -> ]I think the thanks button is a better way of showing appreciation. The rep system gets abused.

And a Thanks system wouldn't?
I don't think the Thanks system would be abused as much because the Thanks would have to be linked to a specific post?
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