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You're currently viewing a stripped down version of our content. View the full version with proper formatting. Is this link a virus? it's not,SF phantom is accusing me that it is a virus,however that's not my fault it's the ads in the beginning that triggered his AV.So just reply typing "yes" or "no".Im not gonna remove my link just because a fool says so.
So did I just get rick rolled or do you really want an answer? If you really want an answer than no it's not.
The link does not contain a trojan. It leads to an link and then on to a Rick Roll image over at ImageShack.

SF Phantom's AV must have been triggered by an advert on the site. The adverts change each time. It's not Xenocide's fault that the advert triggered SF Phantom's AV. If SF Phantom clicked the link now, it shouldn't trigger his AV.
Some Javascript (stuff used to move windows.etc) triggers some AVs