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I had a brandable domain so I decided to make it into a brand, well a network name. Wuvee I put together a site for it and I think it turned out pretty well. Right now I only have 1 site on it because I'm selling my other site atm but I'm about to launch another site soon. Basically I'd like you to take a look at the site and give me your feedback. I know I need a new favicon (apparently I can't make a decent one) so I may be posting that in the graphics forum next.
its ok to me i mean its soft of nothing special..

looks cool as i said on mixy, does it work good on all browsers?
I like the scrolling option but I don't like on the ends how there is low opacity gradient may i suggest you trash that and just have like a border or something?
(12-10-2009, 03:22 PM)WMM Wrote: [ -> ]I like the scrolling option but I don't like on the ends how there is low opacity gradient may i suggest you trash that and just have like a border or something?

i think it looks fine how it is.

im prolly gunna learn javascript next!
It's pretty good but I am not sure about the dark shadowy effect.
(12-10-2009, 04:00 PM)Omniscient Wrote: [ -> ]It's pretty good but I am not sure about the dark shadowy effect.
Thats what I mean I think Unsure
I would change up some of the effects but it's a Wordpress blog so I don't really feel like diving into unfamiliar code. I'm not too worried about the details so I'm pretty happy with the site.