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Full Version: Making the menu bar like linux?
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Anyways to do so? Like have a blank one, and then one for apps?

Thanks in advance.
Bump? I know you can do it, i just have something set incorrectly...
Well, i have never heard of anything like this being done. If you get it, post a screen shot. I'm interested.
I don't know what the Linux bar looks like, but you may want to try an alternative shell with object dock?
Here is an alternative shell which can be customized VERY easily (LiteStep):
And here is another (BBLean's BlackBox):

Many themes can be found for both of these shells over at, as well as a bunch of other websites that come up on a google search. Object dock is just another dock that can be customized very easily, it is pretty much the same concept as a MAC dock.
LiteStep has many more themes, but I found black box much more stable.
I don't need a dock. All i need it the taskbar at the top. The items slip doesn't bother me. I tryied dragging, but something is blocking it. No idea what though.
Hmmm, i still dont know. If you get it, post pictures.

It can be done, i just made it not work, i need to find a way to fix it >_>
Aha i got it ss coming Big Grin
Aha i got it ss coming Big Grin
[Image: tada.jpg]
A while back, i found things called shells. They make windows look exactly like ubuntu.
I have an ubuntu theme and KDE for windows. Pretty good now :p

This shows some way to get linux on windows.
I think it's pretty detailed and good.