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Are gifted with a smart mind, but you sometimes can be lazy with things like homework or other things? This is a discussion for you.
In all my years in schooling up until 8th grade, I had been top of my class and an outstanding student. In that year my classes were shared with other kids in my grade who had not had the good habits I had and didn't necessarily merit terrific grades. While I spent the year with them I had partially lost my habits and a mindset had overcome me-"Settle for average, or something along those lines." Because most of my friends are happy with 80-85 grades I was like well I should be too. Ever since then, I had been a bit lazy and I missed out on honors classes in 9th, 10th and so far 11th grade because of it. However I am in advanced math for my grade, (taking Math 12 as a 11th grader). I kick myself in the butt everyday because of this and I don't know what I should do. College searches are starting and I need to get myself back on my horse. I just feel that I had made a big mistake and I should really turn this around so I don't f-ck up my life before it even starts.
Any discussion or advice is welcome.
It's not all that bad. I was horribly lazy when I was in high school. So much so I failed 10th grade. I got a C average even with a failing year for graduation. I then enlisted in the ARmy. While in the Army I will complete my degree in Accounting from the University of Maryland University College. It's a branch off of University of Maryland specifically for military (all classes are offered online). I'll complete my Associates Degree in Accounting in June of next year. I get out of the ARmy in Jan 2011 and have already been accepted into the University of Texas to complete my Bachelors in Accounting degree. It's not all bad. And my college is completely paid for for pretty much any amount of schooling I choose for any degree path I choose, so long as it's a public school and not a private one (like Baylor, Harvard, Princeton, etc.).
Moral of the story. Pretty much no matter what, if you get a diploma and get a 2 year degree, you can apply to a larger college and nearly always be accepted (so long as you're average is high, mine is about 3.8)
Lol, I'm in the same situation as you.
Yeah same same. I'm gonna pull my finger out this year though. I need to get an ATAR of at least 80.75, otherwise I won't get accepted into ADFA. I think I'm capable of it though.
If you had a gifted mind you wouldn't be lazy.
I have the same problem and Im looking for the antidote - I have to read some huge paper books and the PC just wont leave me

so Im planning to search for the e-version of the things. But my firefox finds them too deprived of flavour.. I think I have to find some random way to force it

ps. talking about university
Quote: If you had a gifted mind you wouldn't be lazy.
Albert Einstein dropped out of high school and also failed math.
I'm lazy, but I wouldn't call myself "gifted". I'm intelligent, but not a genius. Every person has his or her own talents. I have a 'gift' for learning languages. I absolutely hate math and science, which is the core of a lot of professions.
(11-27-2009, 09:52 PM)Elektrisk Wrote: [ -> ]Albert Einstein dropped out of high school and also failed math.
I'm lazy, but I wouldn't call myself "gifted". I'm intelligent, but not a genius. Every person has his or her own talents. I have a 'gift' for learning languages. I absolutely hate math and science, which is the core of a lot of professions.
I agree
I am great at Spanish- taking college level right now as a junior in HS, and Math I take Math 12 as a 11th grader (junior), science is fine as well(chemistry)
History is really easy for me, I mean you learn about past events, take tests rinse and repeat, but English is just something I hate to do, Writing all those damned essays...This is what I don't understand, where do we need essay writing skills in life?
I never said I was a genius either, I just feel I could do ALOT better if I wasn't so laid back.
I could too, but I don't see a point. It doesn't take much to get into my state's flagship, and it offers the language courses I want, as well as a major of professional writing. I can minor in a language, major in professional writing, and write fiction / translate to earn an income. That's my plan, anyway.
(11-27-2009, 10:31 PM)Elektrisk Wrote: [ -> ]I could too, but I don't see a point. It doesn't take much to get into my state's flagship, and it offers the language courses I want, as well as a major of professional writing. I can minor in a language, major in professional writing, and write fiction / translate to earn an income. That's my plan, anyway.
Well it's a whole other story in New York, Colleges are rejecting many more people every year, so I got to do extra to get in..
I plan to go to school for Computer Science or Engineering.. and do something with that.
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