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Full Version: Need a logo/theme please :)
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Hey everyone, I have just created a MyBB Forum
and am in need with a logo and or a theme for free Smile, ok so i know your saying ":facepalm: NOTHING IS FREE" or " WOW NOOBS!" but if any of you great photo shop artists have any time could you please help me and make me a logo somthing like this

Tech Forums!
Your place for anything tech!

and for the Theme Part i need a good theme to suit my logo if you know any let me know Victoire
I'm sure if you post in the graphics section here on this site someone will help you out Smile
So let me get this straight, you have a domain called beyondaverage but you want to call the forum Tech Forums?
yea XD i know... my site isnt just a Forum its a bunch of things put into one like games programing and s***
Whatever you say.
If you want a decent theme you will be looking at paying.

I do recommend they do custom themes around your budget, and people will do free logos for you.

You can also chose out of the themes already there.

P.S - When you sign up, put Cohen into the referal box Tongue
(11-24-2009, 06:23 AM)pers2981 Wrote: [ -> ]bump!

Read my above post
I guess I can "give it a whack." I would need details though dude. And I don't know how quickly I could get it done either. It would probably be sometime next week.
@Cohen ... what part of FREE did you not understrand?

@dafatman .... i dont really have a dead line so if you could Smile and i would like it to fit in with my forum's background and make it say Tech Forums Big Font
your source for anything tech in small font
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