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(11-23-2009, 03:17 PM)PaNiK Wrote: [ -> ]Granted, but then skids DDoS it.

I wish you guys would stop playing lounge games.

Granted, but you will not be the Mod anymore

I wish I could have a surround system
(11-24-2009, 12:10 AM)Acekidd01 Wrote: [ -> ]Granted, but you will not be the Mod anymore

I wish I could have a surround system

Granted, but you're house gets hit by lightning and fries it.

I wish I was admin
(11-09-2009, 03:34 PM)Codine Wrote: [ -> ]I wish I was admin
Granted but your a bad admin so people stop coming to your site.

I wish pot was legal in the US.

(11-24-2009, 01:22 PM)AlvisAurora Wrote: [ -> ]Granted but your a bad admin so people stop coming to your site.

I wish pot was legal in the US.

Granted but you get deported.

I wish I wasn't lactose intolerant...
(11-24-2009, 01:49 PM)PaNiK Wrote: [ -> ]Granted but stores stop selling dairy products due to the large amount of lactose intolerant people.

I wish Elektrisk woulda done a better job of getting my back last night.

He did but nobody else knows.
Since Rob didn't make a wish I'll do the honors Big Grin

I wish I could read minds
(11-25-2009, 05:39 PM)Acekidd01 Wrote: [ -> ]Since Rob didn't make a wish I'll do the honors Big Grin

I wish I could read minds

Granted but you have to read everyone's minds at all times.

I wish I could be a 1337 h4ck3r
(11-25-2009, 07:15 PM)uber1337 Wrote: [ -> ]Granted but you have to read everyone's minds at all times.

I wish I could be a 1337 h4ck3r

Granted, you get caught because an FBI agent happened to walk behind you while using the Starbucks wi-fi to hack the Pentagon....go to jail and do not pass go.

I wish I had a dog...
(11-25-2009, 07:33 PM)Rob Wrote: [ -> ]I wish I had a dog...
Granted, but its rabid and it loves to bite.

I wish I was rich.
Granted,but you spend all money buying pizzas.

I wish small,powerfull netbook!
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