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All I want for 2010 is Halo Reach and I can live with just that game.
Star Craft II Wings of Liberty
The first game I want to get is Halo: Reach, then maybe once I get a better computer, StarCraft II.
I wanna try CoD Black opps but Idk really. I think i'm gonna buy Crackdown 2 because I have Crackdown 1 and it's a awesome game.
Mafia II

Coming out this month, I'm so excited! Smile
Timesplitters 4. Not sure what happened to its development but I've only been waiting the past 3 years.
I'd like to get an XBox first.
Then I will talk to you about games mister. Nono
The new halo idk what its called though
Call of duty: Black ops, Halo Reach.

I want to try to buy Battlefield Bad Company 2, and Red Dead Redemption.
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