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Heard about it on HF.
(06-22-2011, 05:20 AM)Skillify Wrote: [ -> ]Heard about it on HF.

Me too. I came to check it out & glad I did, xD!
Hackforums. This thread is like 2 years old wow.
I saw this from HackForums in Omni's profile
I got here from hackforums..Smile
I saw the award on Hackforums and wondered what it was, so I came Big Grin
saw a signature in mybb forum Big Grin
hackforums told me about this
I heard it from people occasional mentioning on HF, and saw it on an ad on HF. Also, The "Support Feather" award pointed it out to me.
HF, i think you get the Support Feather award if you get 100 or more posts on this forum so im willing to do it
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