10-23-2014, 12:39 AM
Welcome to Real Forums.
Here at Real Forums, we strive to provide the most High Quality and most professional posts and threads for the community. Whether it is discussing about Sports, Health, browsing the Marketplace or our Leak section or even talking about Games. Real Forums has it all.
We aren't like every new and basic competitive forum. We care about our users, and not the money. Most forum owners are greedy and are desperate for money looking for profits. We at Real want to make sure our users feel safe and welcome on the forum.
We shall try our best to make sure everybody is having a great time, and will put all effort into stopping spammers and offensive behaviour.
Our forum contains the following forums categories which contain many sub forums inside for everybody to post within.
General Discussion
We also have a professional and custom designed theme, not only to make the forum look more sleek. We want our users to enjoy the features and colours to make their journey with us memorable!
I will be constantly updating the forum with the latest and best plugins and addons. We will host Giveaways and Contest for the members to win themselves some money, unlock forum additions or even a custom award!
Why join us?
Both of us are dedicated to this forum, and we can guarantee you that this forum will not "end" or "merge" with other forums and last approximately 1-2 months, that's a big NO from us and will not happen. If you want to meet new friends, make money, pick up a nice forum username and get involved with the community. Then this is the best place and opportunity you will ever receive!
Sign up and get involved! // Click HERE to register now!