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Yes, it's what I'll be reduced to due to me moving home. The area I'll be living in can't get any signal from anyone. I can only get broadband through a phone line, which would cost another £122 to get it fitted, plus connections charges ect..
Anyway, £10 per 1gb usage. That's pathetic, it's gonna be used in a day or two.
Also, it's speed is 'upto 7.2mbs'. I'm used to Virgin Media 50mbs speeds. This sucks.
Anyone else use mobile broadband?
Nope, can't say i do.. Can you not get an Ex BT Engineer to fit you a phoneline presuming that your in the UK.
Where would I find an ex BT engineer to do it free? Nowhere probably. Yes, I'm in the UK.
Urm, for free very unlikly, unless it's a friend of yours, try ringing BT, and ask them what kind of deals they could do you on installation, or diffrent payment methods, example: spread payment over say 6month? or 3month?
It's non negotiable. It's £122 for an engineer to come fit the land line. That's it. I'm not paying that again.
I've used mobile broadband. It's crap. I used it for a week, then got fed up and switched provider. That "up to" actually means "absolute maximum".

Unless you're standing right next to the tower, you'll probably get half of that...
I did for a while and still have an account, with some credit.
The speed was up to 7mbps, i did prepaid mobile wireless broadband ($70), the data allowance was 8gig and you have 3 months until it expires. It was slow, like dialup slow, and drops out often. It was a nightmare, I don't use it anymore. The dongle is still up on the roof in a waterproof container. If you get poor signal get a usb extension cable and put the dongle on the roof of your house. Expect it to be super slow.

If i was you, i would consider forking out the £122 and connection fees, etc.
After trying to use mobile "broadband" through a friend's iPhone connected to my laptop, it's painfully slow to say the least. You won't be playing Counter-Strike on it anytime soon.

If I were you I'd pay the 122 quid.
Oh this sucks. I've been referred to an offer for free BT installation. There's hope afterall.