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Full Version: Internet Weirdness
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My internet has a tendency to shut itself off.
For no apparent reason, it goes into a state where it can't connect to the DSL and is trying to connect to PPP.

Yes I've tried restarting the router, rarely works. It will work sometimes when I leave the damn thing off for 20-30min !!

This affects the entire house, so it's not coming from my computer.

I'm thinking it has to come from the provider. Then again, I find it unlikely that everyone using this provider has an internet blackout lasting extended periods of time without anything they can do about it. (maybe it's just us?)

Whenever the problem occurs, a window pops up asking for my router username and password. As I hit "cancel", this appears:

401 Unauthorized
Authorization required

==========Debug Message========
DSL State: Can not get DSL state, please refresh again.
PPP State: Connecting... [0] l ppp_0_35_1
DHCP Server: Enabled
3.35.12a4G l A2pB025fs.d20m l 3.35.12 l l

Request Information

Method: GET
Protocol: HTTP/1.1
Path: /main.html
Extra_Header: WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="DSL Router"
Destination: myrouter

==============Debug Message=========

There you have it.
Hope anyone is able to help, thank you!!
(Btw, Yes everything is nicely plugged in as it should)