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Full Version: PizzaPal - Buy Pizza With PayPal or Bitcoin
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PayPal not accepted at Pizza Hut, Papa John's, or Papa Gino's?
Allow us to help.

Select how much your order will cost.
Choose which restaraunt you will be ordering from.
Make your payment.
Order your food!

Enjoy, and post in this thread telling me what you think. And if this service has helped you, be kind and leave a comment. Victoire
I will bookmark this page. So many times I've had to skip out on pizza, but not anymore!
I wish this was available in Australia ;[

Sounds really good my man.
Beware of this site, it is a scam. I have PM'd the user numerous times on HF and he replied with "I will get you your gift card soon" and even after PM'ing him many times after, he has not replied and denied the PM tracking receipt.

Edit: This also goes along with MANY other buy pizza with Paypal sites. For example, a lot of them have Facebook pages and if you look at the posts by the customers, most of them will say "I paid for my code?? where is it?"
the site is not working what happened?
[Image: 2ivzpeh.jpg]