Do you avoid your work? Or get distracted easily once you've started to do your work like go on Facebook? That's what happened to me yesterday, I even created a group about procrastination on fb while I was procrastinating lol!
Post what you've recently procrastinated/avoided and how.
Actually no!!!!!!
I am just the opposite I want things done quick and get them over with so I have the rest of the day too do what I really want too do and not what I have too do.
Life's great, procrastinate!
I am a huge procrastinator. "Last minute" to me is a motto.
All the time... like right now, that "..." was me procrastinating.
Don't put it off. Procrastinate NOW!
I wish I didn't, but I do. And then I have to work like a madman to get everything finished.
Haha glad to see there are fellow procrastinators like me. Well... I should go do my computer project that's due tomorrow

I don't procrastinate. I just don't do anything.
Yes, but I will answer this with more information later.