Support Forums

Full Version: Short poem about support forums! ENJOY!
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Welcome to support forums! Most of you are probably hackers but that's okay, on here we accept everyone! nobody is judged by how they portray, we've all had our rainy day but who's to judge us? nobody. This is support forums! You're all welcome, so have fun! Don't let anyone judge you for what you've done, your actions are what make you who you are and you're a star! I know my rhyming is bazaar I mean I'm certainly no Rock star. I do my best and so should you! do what you love, here at support forums we'll give you that shove that you need when you're afraid, lonely, sad, despaired or scared so here I am, rhyming for you guys! Let it be declared that paramore is the one who's prepared, to help you! Whenever you're down, I'll always be here! - never to let you drown, whether you like it or not. When you're in that tough spot I'll give it my best shot. You'll never be let down because here, we support! We don't cut short or extort, we're you're best resort and we're here to support.

I hope you liked my short poem guys! If anyone EVER needs anything - Just PM me, I'll always be here at Support-forums!
that's cool! I think you're right that nobody can judge anybody... You need to know them very well.
That's really pretty neat I think.