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Does anyone here think Stephen King is crazy? I don't I think he is just brilliant but not sure. He should have a psychiatric evaluation though lmafo. Tongue
What makes him crazy? The ability to write a decent horror novel?
Lmfao look at some of his work, Not calling him insane but does make you wonder. How does he come up with it? Not just a good imagination has to be something else.
He is just brilliant. I mean, gawd, he's the 'king' of horror. Why would something have to be wrong with? He's a damn genious.\

Btw, has anyone watched the movie IT? I'm scared shitless at clowns is now. Haha, I atleast read the book like 2 times a year. It's awesome.
Yea seen that movie a couple of times. It's some of his best work.
Haha, yeah. It's truly amazing. The way he cand take something so delightful then twist it and turn it into our worth dreams.