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Securing Your Systems By - Phizo.

Also Zubb, Taught Me About NetBIOS, So all the credit about the NetBIOS Is For Him Only. Big Grin
Also he taught me all i know about RAT's, DNS Spoofing, So yes Zubb did teach me all i know today.

1. Phishing Site's : Way's to check if the site is a phisher is by opening the "Phisher" Right clicking it going down to "View Source" Then go to find/find next, And type "Action=" You should see either the website URL Or post.php or something.php, Not a link
If there is the link on the "Action=" It's not a phisher site, If there is a post.php or any php document then it's a phisher.
Also, I just discovered that they can also have link's of picture's, Look at them i found someone trying to phish my msn today.. and found picture's of the msn messenger without the textbox's (Sign in email/pass) So they snuck in textbox's from the picture.. Dumb asses arn't good enough for me..

2. BruteForcing : BruteForcing is simple for a hacker to gain access to your computer or msn or any login's, They can simply crack the password with a wordlist, How do we avoid this?, Simply make the password very strong say like... J.u.s.t.i.n1_2_3, Notice the encryption is very high.

3. NetBIOS : NetBIOS Is a simple way of access to the computer remotely the port for NetBios is "139" So do a port scan and make sure "139" isn't open if it is PM Me i can help you close it.

4. Telnet : Telnet is also a way of accessing a computer remotely, They can steal all your file's aswell as NetBIOS Can to, Telnet doesn't work anymore on newer computer's but it is still possible do a port scan on yourself and see if port "23" Is open if it is PM Me i can close it for you.

5. Keylogger's, RAT's, Server's : These are hard to figure out i would say to run them in site's like or a sandboxie if there FUD (Undetectabe by crypter) I would say your fudged but, If you don't know them hack them back...If there trying to hack you of course.. Try and also get "BitDefender AntiVirus" It is the most powerful anti-virus made in 2009 So your most likely to catch most malicious program's

6. Social Engineering : Social engineering (SE) Is hard to stop, If they ask alot of question's like how many letter's is your password or ask alot of personal question's i would say there trying to harm/manipulate you, With these type of information they can d0x (Hunt your address phone number etc..), Use it against your password's, Just to use it against you practically, Never give them personal information.

7. IP Grabbing Via Link's Or Sent Equipment : Get proxie's or VPN's so that way there not getting your real IP-Address they will be getting a fake one, Also how do we know if the link is a bit..I dunno...Hackish/suspicous, If it redirect's you to another page then most likely trying to get your IP Address, So run a proxy or VPN Before opening link's, And watch out for the DNS Spoofer's

8. RootKit's : RootKit's are similiar to a virus, Watch out for them there like a type of spyware they can stay on your computer with a melted server so you can't delete it without program's, For rootkit's i would recommend getting "Avast Anti-Virus" Or a rootkit detector from here : Also read about them if you like in the link, There is download's to.

10. FireWall's : FireWall's are IMPORTANT! Please i recommend getting one, I have the perfect one for you guy's, It's a firewall that detect's a hacker entry into your computer (If someone is trying to connect to you) It will give you an alert give you there IP Address and subnet of who is trying to connect call the police or hack them back, It stop's people trying to port scan you it detect's them and there IP and subnet, It also stop's alot of other thing's trying to connect you, This firewall is called "Black ICE" You can download it from here :
Great tut! I hope it helps others as much as it helped me
Very nice, I feel this deserves a bump.
very nice tutorial , thanks for sharing this
Very detailed and a very nice and good tutorial teached me things that i didnt know 9/10 ^^
Great article mate..
I think you must mention about BIOS utility setup and about the .regnet configuration which will make the quality of your thread better.
Quote:2. BruteForcing : BruteForcing is simple for a hacker to gain access to your computer or msn or any login's, They can simply crack the password with a wordlist, How do we avoid this?, Simply make the password very strong say like... J.u.s.t.i.n1_2_3, Notice the encryption is very high.
Or just have a five second timeout after 3 incorrect attempts.
Very nice guide!
Nice tut, when I had xp I got viruses all over the place (When I was very inexperienced), and I finally switched to 7 a few days ago