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Not blocked at my school.
But not much people on SF that much, so it makes it less interesting.
It's because It has nothing to do with Hacking lol.
It's a good thing.
Diabolic, school firewalls usually block community boards; regardless of its content.
(05-17-2012, 04:22 PM)Cronus Wrote: [ -> ]Diabolic, school firewalls usually block community boards; regardless of its content.
Depends what country.. Colleges and Schools in the UK don't block all Boards. They just search the content and block domains with "hacking" "hack" "sex" "porn" etc..
(05-17-2012, 04:22 PM)Cronus Wrote: [ -> ]Diabolic, school firewalls usually block community boards; regardless of its content.

Yes when I posted this thread, it said "unprohibited Forum Content" or something. But it still posted though.
Schools in my country don't block a thing. You could visit any porn site for the hell of it.
Nope, I am lying. I remember in middle school our teacher used to block few sites for his own amusement.
But a simple proxy would done the trick.

At least it did to me and all my friends.
Hackforums isn't blocked at my school either Tongue
Nothing is blocked at my school.
I tried SF in school it works! lolz.
I always use freeairproxy in order to bypass school firewalls. NOTHING can keep me off my forums. lol but like everyone said, this site has absolutely nothing to do with hacking like HF or porno.
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