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Both registered with NameCheap.
Expires: Fri 08/31/2012
Expires: Tue 01/08/2013

No set price. I'm completely open to any offers.
How much is the .me domains for upkeep?
Like I said in the OP, there's no set price, just make an offer.
I think by upkeep, he meant how much is it to renew once the domain expires?
It'll cost $9/yr, the same as it would cost buying a brand new .me domain.
Does $15 sound okay for If not tell me a price range of what you are looking for.
I know you said no set price, but range are you looking for on EZR?
(04-02-2012, 02:42 PM)Alreiger Wrote: [ -> ]I know you said no set price, but range are you looking for on EZR?

Just make an offer and I'll let you know if it's what I'm looking for. has now been sold for $40.

Other 2 domains are still up for sale.
I might buy comedyforums pm me and we can ta;l
Pages: 1 2