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Hey SF.

What are you personal pet peeves? What annoys you the most?

My pet peeve: I hate it when I'm walking down the hallway while its crowded, and I start walking behind slow walkers and there's nothing I can do to get ahead of them without being rude.

What's yours?
People listening to extremely loud music. People need to keep their music below 50% volume.

And people standing on the left side of an escalator instead of the right side, especially at rush hour. I just feel like pushing them down.
People spitting at the ground for no reason just flares me up. I don't know exactly why, but I just don't like it. I think its just disgusting and unhygienic for any reason except when you have deadly poison in your mouth.
I mean, seriously, there are so many trash cans and toilets around. Use them.
RubiksHQ we have something in common.. I also hate people who walk slowly in a corridor and make you feel disgusted...
For me, it's when people just cut me off when I am trying to add to a conversation. And it just happens again, again, again, and I never get to say what I want to say. Like I am invisible.
Shoes scraping across the concrete are so annoying & it feels like it makes my ears bleed.