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I was contemplating earlier today on creating a game trainer, only thing is, it has to be a game that I have, otherwise in the future, a game that I might get, and i'll think about it.

My HDD was cleaned out a while ago, so not the greatest selection of games.

- Alice: Madness Returns
- DeadIsland
- F.3.A.R
- Gray Matter (Have it but hardly played it I got bored)
- Silent Hill: Homecoming
- The Witcher 2 (Fun game when you get into it)
Well, I don't play any of the above games, so I won't be suggesting you anything.

Good luck on making the Game trainer though.
If I put COD in the list i'm sure you would lol. Nearly everyone has that game, but probably not for PC, so it's a double sided sword on that one. Hard to say which I should or would go for. For me, it's just a test to see what I can do, so I hardly care about which game this trainer would be for.
Nope, I don't play many Pc games, when I was like 14 I used to play Counter Strike, it's still one of the best games for me.
Now I spend my time by playing Transformice and Pokemon Series using GBA emulator. Both are small games, but I love them.
I went back and got myself DosBox I think it's called, and started playing a few DOS games that I used to play when I was younger lol. Those are still good for me too so I can see what you mean by that.

"Treasure Hunt" is one of them
[Image: sst001.png]

DOOM was a awesome game!
I remember when I was small I used to play Prince too. Lol.
Why not give CheatEngine a try? I have used it to create trainers in the past.